Temperance Mark Installation 2017
Temperance Mark Lodge No 774 held its Installation meeting on 21st February at Woolton Golf Club. 
VWBro Paul Snape and WM Derek Gaskell
This meeting also represented the Lodge’s first anniversary at this venue. The lodge was pleased to welcome VWBro Paul Snape to the meeting as the Provincial Grand Master’s Representative.
Andy Whittle; Alan Foster; Paul Snath; Derek Gaskell; Steve Lyon; Alan Fairhurst; David Anderton
Once the lodge had been opened and the salutations completed Worshipful Master WBro Steve Lyon PProv G Swd Br, asked the Provincial Wardens; WBro Alan Foster Prov SW and WBro Alan Fairhurst Prov JW if they would occupy their respective chairs for the installation ceremony. 
Paul Snape; Ian Jackson; WM; Doug Lace; Bob James
WBro Steve Lyon then installed WBro Derek Gaskell Prov GJD into the chair.  WBro Fred Hulse PProvGSD presented the working tools to the Worshipful Master, with WBro Bryan Humphries PAGStBr giving the Keystone Jewel address and the address to the Worshipful Master. 
Derek Gaskell resting before the ceremony
WBro Alan Foster Prov SW gave the address to the Wardens and the Prov Junior Warden WBro Alan Fairhurst gave the overseers address.
Steve Lyon,'I needed this'
VWBro Paul Snape not only gave the address to the Brethren, he also presented three Grand Lodge Certificates to Brothers; Doug Lace; Ian Jackson and Bob James, and did both in his own style.  A fine festive board followed the meeting and in his reply to the toast VWBro Snape not only congratulated the Installing Master and the New Master he gave a warm welcome to those Brethren to whom he had presented the certificates and congratulated them for all taking an office for the new year.
Paul Snape; Derek Gaskell; Andy Whittle during toasts at festive board
These Brethren were the first new members to join Temperance Lodge in the Woolton era.  There are more candidates in the pipeline for the coming year so there will be plenty of work for the Master and his new team to do.
Alan Foster taking the Micky out of the WM

Words Derek Gaskell Photos Stuart Boyd and Tony Cross